Reward Zones

When we are training our dog, where we hand them the reward can make a big difference. If we want our dog close to us for a recall or when walking on leash, we need to deliver the reward in those location.

Where we deliver the treat is called the Reward Zone.

Exercise: Charging Reward Zones

Reward Zones, in the context of loose leash walking, refer to where you will be rewarding your dog when walking with them. It is important to reward your dog in proper position (on either side of you, as close to your leg as you are able to comfortably). Giving rewards/ treats in this position builds the value of walking politely next to you.

How to teach this:

  1. Stand in place with your dog next to you. Using a hand target, lure your dog into position on either side of you. Mark and treat your dog for being in the reward zone.
    1. The ideal position is with your dog facing the same way as you, with their head in line with your leg, and close to your leg – so that you can extend your arm straight down to your side, and not reaching way out to the side. 
  2. Take a step forward with your dog following your hand target lure. Mark and reward your dog if they move with you and stay in the reward zone. 
    1. If they move ahead of you, simply pivot away from your dog and lure with your hand target again. Wait for them to re-enter the reward zone, mark and reward when they do.
  3. Continue with several small steps forward. Mark and reward generously when your dog stays in the reward zone and is walking attentively next to you.
    1. If your dog disconnects and walks ahead of you, turn in a slightly different direction (away from your dog), and mark and reward them when they re-enter the reward zone and refocus on you.
  4. Slowly fade out the hand target once your dog is easily moving with you for several steps with the hand target to guide them.

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