The Marker

What is a marker? In dog training, a marker is a word or distinct sound that "marks" when the dog has done something correctly. It may be something we cued or something the dog chose to do on their own.

By using the marker we can mark the exact instant that the dog did the good behavior. This will help the dog learn what they are getting reinforced for. Timing is critical, especially when working on reactivity.

To start this process, we begin by "Charging the Marker". You may use a clicker or a specific word. A clicker is a small device that emits a sound like a pen click but louder. Your typical marker words are "Yes" or "Good". We always suggest charging a word as well as a clicker (if you choose to use a clicker).

Exercise: Charge the Marker

Simply, a marker word is just a way to communicate with your dog and tell them they have done something good. This method originally developed with the Clicker Training of marine animals because the physical distance between the trainer and the animal was greater and inconsistent.

 How to teach this:

  1. Prepare a small handful of treats and place them in a pocket, training pouch or on a surface your dog can not reach.
  2. Choose a marker word.* At Two Paws Up, we use the word “Yes”.
  3. Stand toe to toe with your dog.
  4. Say only your marker word, click, or “Yes” then give your dog a treat. Be sure not to say the marker word or click while or before giving your dog the treat. Hearing a click or “Yes” = A treat or reward is coming.
  5. Practice your mark 5-10 times with your dog before any other training begins.

 Note: This process applies to both a verbal mark as well as a Clicker mark. If you feel more inclined to train with a Clicker, charge it before training. It is important to charge a verbal mark though as you may not always have a Clicker on hand to use.

Trainer’s Tip:

Be sure to only say your marker word once and if you say it, you must reward your dog. In the beginning, you are training your dog to know this word just like any other cue. As your dog gets older you will be able to fade out many of the treats because hearing a mark will communicate that they are doing well. 

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